Inshort Case Study

Entrepreneurship Cell(E-Cell) IET Agra organised ‘Inshort Case Study’ competition and result was declared by 4th of December, 2019. As we know that the road to success is paved with failures, since beginning we never allowed the risk of failure to impede our ambitions. Due to this unique mindset we are able to push the boundaries of possibilities in each era. We learn from our mistakes and always dare to try new things i.e. the essence of our team E-Cell. We shouldn’t be afraid of failure or not giving attempt of trying.

Case studies examined complex phenomena in the natural setting to increase understanding of an
individual. ‘Inshort Case Study’ was conducted for the new entrepreneurs on 04th December, 2019.
In this event, multiple teams have participated for the problem stated. After the hustle of the participated teams our honorable judge Mr. Devarshi Kapil has declared the team led by SAURABH BISWAS of CSE 1st Year comprising RISHABH SHARMA of ME 2nd Year and PARTH PRADUMAN of ME 1st Year. The student encouraged our E-Cell with their participation for the conduction of similar events in future.


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